Frequently Asked Questions
When should we place our order?
You must place and pay for your order at least 60 days before your wedding date. The minimum order size is 20 bags.
What if our guest count isn’t final?
No worries! The wedding experts expect somewhere between 60% to 85% of your invited guests to attend. The sweet spot seems to be 80%. In September 2024, we had our wedding in Wellfleet. Since most of our invited guests lived in Florida or New Jersey, and the trip was a long distance for them, we had about 66% attendance.
Here is our recommendation: If most of your guests live in New England, multiply the number of invited guests by .80 to get your expected guest count. If most of your guests live outside New England, multiply the number of invited guests by .70.
How many bags should we order?
You can provide one bag per person or one bag per hotel room. It’s up to you. If you want each person to have a bag, use your expected guest count to determine your bag count. If you want one bag per hotel room, use your overall invitation count and multiply it by .70 or .80 (depending on where the majority of your guests live). As an example, if you sent 100 invitations and your guests live close by, we recommend ordering 80 bags.
What if I am not sure how many people are staying at the hotel?
That’s ok! You can adjust the delivery locations and bag numbers for each location up to two weeks before the delivery date. Here are some options to make the process easier:
Option #1: Recommend only one hotel on your website.
Option #2: Include a question on your RSVP website asking if the guest is staying there.
Option #3: Reach out to guests 3-4 weeks before the wedding to see where they are staying. You can break up this responsibility by giving your parents or partner a list with their guests. Have them fill in the list with where guests are staying.
Keep in mind that you can have all bags dropped off at one location to keep things simple. Extra bags can be picked up from there and delivered by your support team (e.g., your parents, your wedding planner, best friend) to other locations. Leave it to them to stop at the hotel to get extra bags and deliver them. P.S. It’s a great way for them to visit with people before the festivities start.
How many stops can you make?
As many as you want! The first stop is free. Each additional stop within the town or adjacent town is $100. Stops in other Cape Cod towns are $200 per stop.
How does the hotel know who should receive a bag?
You will send them a list with your guests’ names. To help make this as smooth as possible, we recommend trying to make the list as accurate as possible for who is actually staying there.
Please note that you are responsible for coordinating with the hotel and determining how they would prefer to distribute bags. They may prefer to give guests the bag when they check-in, or they may leave the bag in their room.
I want to include a Schedule of Events or a message on our stationery. Can you include that in the bag?
Absolutely. When ordering your bags, check the box that asks if you would like to include additional paper materials for $1 per bag. We just need you to send the material to us at least 30 days before your wedding date. If you are ordering the product online from somewhere like Etsy, you can ship it straight to us. We will add whatever paper materials you send to each bag!
Can I make changes to my order?
Yes! Changes to orders must be received by email more than 60 days prior to the wedding date. While we don’t issue refunds for the overall order total, you can substitute items or add more bags. We may be able to accommodate requests within 60 days, but it is not guaranteed.