
Placing Order: Orders must be received and fully paid at least 60 days prior to the wedding date. The minimum order is 20 bags. 

Changes to Order: Changes can be made up to 60 days prior to the wedding date. Change requests must be received by email (our email address). If the change results in a lesser overall value, no refund will be issued. The customer can add additional items of similar value or increase the bag count to reach the original invoice total. If additional items or bags result in a greater total, a new invoice with the difference in price will be issued and payment for the difference must be received 60 days prior to the wedding date. Modifications to the order may be requested within 60 days of the wedding date, but we reserve the right to accept or deny them. If we accept, payment must be received within 5 business days upon accepting of the request. 

Cancellations: must be received 60 days prior to the wedding date for a refund. Order will be refunded in full. 

Additional Paper Materials: Additional paper materials (e.g., Schedule of Events, welcome messages) can be added to an order for $1 per bag. Customer is responsible for creating or ordering the materials and ensuring they are received by our team 30 days prior to the wedding date. If ordering through a site like Etsy or Zola, the customer can have the materials mailed directly to us. If this option is selected when placing the order, mailing information will be sent to the customer after their order is placed. 

Delivery Location: A primary delivery location must be provided upon placing the order. Additional delivery locations within the same town or an adjacent town can be added for a $100 fee per location. Additional delivery locations outside the town or adjacent towns can be added for a $200 fee per location. 

Changes to Delivery Location: Changes to delivery location or the number of bags delivered to each site must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the delivery date by email. Payment for the addition of sites must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the delivery date to take effect. 

Delivery Date and Time: Standard deliveries occur on the Thursday prior to the wedding date unless otherwise requested. Special requests for delivery date and time must be received 30 days prior to the wedding date.

Coordinating Delivery: Order will be left with the front desk of hotels or on the front stoop of homes (after first knocking to see if anyone is there). We are not responsible for ensuring the bags are delivered to each room or to guests. The customer is responsible for coordinating with the hotel to confirm that they allow welcome bags and to provide the hotel with a list of guest names. You may also send us the list to deliver with the order. List must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the delivery date

If We Fail to Deliver (our fault): If we fail to deliver the order, in part or whole, to the primary delivery location, the customer will be refunded the amount associated with the number of bags we failed to deliver. If we fail to deliver bags to additional delivery locations, bags will be delivered to the primary delivery location and customer will be refunded the associated additional location fee. 

If We Fail to Deliver (your fault):

If the hotel refuses to accept the bags because the customer failed to coordinate their delivery with the hotel or we are unable to gain entry to deliver the bags, we will contact you and attempt to deliver them to you somewhere else within reason. No refunds will be issued.